View Methods
function collection(
uint256 collectionId
) external view returns (DataTypes.IntentCollection memory)
View-only function to fetch the Intent Collection using the collection number as a parameter. It returns the data associated with that particular collection.
Name | Type | Description |
collectionId | uint256 | The collection number |
Name | Type | Description |
_intents[collectionId] | IntentCollection | The intent collection associated with that vault |
function intent(
uint256 collectionId,
uint256 intentId
) external view returns (
DataTypes.Intent memory)
View-only function to fetch the Intent using collection number and the intent index. It returns the data associated with that particular intent.
Name | Type | Description |
collectionId | uint256 | The collection number |
intentId | uint256 | The intent index from that collection |
Name | Type | Description |
collToken | address | Address of the collateral token |
borrowToken | address | Address of the borrow token |
isEnabled | bool | If intent is valid or not |
intents[intentId] | Intent | The complete intent |
Write Methods
function createIntentCollection(
DataTypes.IntentCollection calldata _collection
) external onlyOwner returns (uint256 collectionId)
Lender use this function to create a new intent collection for this particular vault. It accepts a custom-defined data-type which comprises of collateral token, borrow token, intent array etc. It returns the index of the new collection.
Name | Type | Description |
_collection | IntentCollection | The collection of all the intents |
Name | Type | Description |
collectionId | uint256 | The collection number associated with the vault |
Only the owner i.e the Lender who created the vault can call this function.
function extendIntentCollection(
uint256 collectionId,
uint256 newExpiry
) external onlyOwner
Intent collection has a expiresAt value associated with it. The collection would no more be valid after this duration. This function can be used to extend the collection duration. It accepts the collection number and the new expiry time.
Name | Type | Description |
collectionId | uint256 | The collection number |
newExpiry | uint256 | New time expiry |
Only the owner can call this function.
function setIntentCollectionStatus(
uint256 collectionId,
bool status
) external onlyOwner
Used to set the validity of the intent collection. It takes the collection number and the status. Status is a boolean which can be true | false. If the status is set to false, the borrower can not borrow using these set of intents.
Name | Type | Description |
collectionId | uint256 | The collection number |
status | bool | Intent status(true or false) |
function createLoan(
DataTypes.BorrowParams calldata bParams,
bytes calldata data
) external whenNotPaused nonReentrant returns (address loanContract)
Function is called by the borrower who wants to take a loan from this particular vault. It accepts the details about the borrow including collateral amount, minimum borrow amount etc. All of this is passed as a custom data-type borrowParams. It also takes some data in case of leverage. Empty string is passed for no leverage loans.
Name | Type | Description |
bParams | BorrowParams | The Borrow Parameters set by the borrower |
data | bytes | ABI encoded data that contains info about leverage |
Name | Type | Description |
loanContract | address | Address of the deployed loan contract |
function withdraw(
address token,
uint256 amount
) external nonReentrant onlyOwner
Function allows the lender to withdraw the funds from the Vault. The Vault may or may not have funds of different assets depending upon whether the borrower was able to pay the loan before the expiration time or not. Hence it takes the token address as a parameter to withdraw the particular token and its amount.
Only the owner can call this function.
Name | Type | Description |
token | address | Address of the token |
amount | uint256 | Amount to withdraw |