How to Supply?
Follow this guide to Supply on MethLab.
You need to be on the Mantle Network and have some MNT for gas to use MethLab. To get MNT, you can bridge using Mantle Bridge or use the DEXs like Agni Finance and Merchant Moe. Refer ChainList to add Mantle Network or change your RPC in the wallet. To read more about Mantle Network, refer
(Setup) Use the DEXs/Bridge to get the supply tokens.
Use these tokens to lend on MethLab.
Use MNT to pay for gas on Mantle.
Step 1 - Choose your playground and Navigate to Supply Zone
Choose your playground: mETH Lab or MNT Station. Walk towards the Supply Panel. Once you are close the Supply Zone, press
on your keyboard to interact the Supply Panel.mETH Lab is the land of Liquid Staked Ether by Mantle LSP. It lists $mETH, $USDY, and $USDT. MNT Station is home to Mantle L2's native asset MNT. It lists $MNT, $USDY, and $USDT.
Step 2 - Choose your Asset and Bucket, and Enter Supply Amount, and Reserve Price.
Once you are on the Supply Panel, select the Supply Asset you would like to Supply. Enter the Amount(in native terms) you would like to deposit. You can enter the Supply amount manually or use the Max button to automatically Supply the maximum amount based on your wallet balance.
Choose the Asset you are willing to accept as Collateral. Enter the Reserve Price i.e the amount of Supply Asset you are willing to lend plus the Interest Receivable per unit of Collateral Asset.
Step 3 - Select a Bucket and an Intent Expiry
Choose a Bucket. Each Bucket is made up of a) Duration b) APR. Duration is the term of the Loan which starts once it is matched. Choose between various durations to match your financial strategy.
The APR is the Interest Rate that you will earn as a Lender. Lenders can charge a higher Interest Rate for aggressive Reserve Prices. Liquidity shows the current balance of Deposits in each bucket. Highest Bid is most aggresive Reserve Price lenders are offering per Bucket. Choose a higher Reserve Price to compete with other lenders.
Choose an Intent Expiry. It determines how long will this Intent will be available to be matched with the borrowers.
Step 3 - Make the Transaction
Click on 'Connect Wallet' and choose your preferred Wallet.
Click on Approve to confirm and push your Intent on-chain. You can edit, delete or pause your Intents anytime from the Dashboard.
Congratulations🎉! You have successfully supplied on MethLab🥳.