Before interacting with MethLab, please carefully review these disclaimers, any applicable terms and conditions, and the code of the relevant software. Use the technology only at your own risk, and do not rely on written content attributable to MethLab for making any financial or other decisions.
The Repository has been authored by participants in the joint venture which developed the MethLab technologies or other participants in the MethLab community, as applicable.
Informational Purposes Only; No Warranties
The Repository is only a presentation of information regarding certain technologies. The statements contained in the Repository do not provide any advice, representation, warranty, certification, guarantee or promise relating to these technologies, any uses thereof or any of the other matters discussed in the Repository, nor does the Repository provide an offer or agreement to make such technologies available, maintain or update such technologies, or sell or buy any asset or enter into any transaction. You should not rely on the Repository as a basis for making any financial or other decisions.
No Governmental/Regulatory Review or Approval
The Repository and the matters described in the Repository have not been reviewed, approved, endorsed or registered with any regulator or other governmental entity, and the authors of the Repository are not licensed by any regulator or other authority to provide any legal, financial, accounting, investment or other advice or services.
Uncertain Nature of Forward-Looking Statements; No Duty to Update
The forward-looking statements in the Repository are subject to numerous assumptions, risks and uncertainties, and thus the events described or predicted therein are subject to change or to fail to occur in accordance therewith. We undertake no obligation to update, supplement or amend any statement that becomes inaccurate or incomplete after the date on which the Repository is first published, or to alert the public as to any such inaccuracy or incompleteness, whether such inaccuracy or incompleteness arises as a result of new information we receive, changes of our plans, unanticipated events or otherwise.
Experimental Technology
The technologies and assets described in the Repository are highly experimental and risky, have uncertain and potentially volatile value, and should be directly evaluated by experts in blockchain technologies before use. Use them solely at your own risk.