MethLab V1 has been deprecated. It is still available MethLab V1 and MethLab Archive for users to withdraw their liquidity.
MethLab DLV is a liquidation-free, and oracle-minimised lending/borrowing protocol that enables fixed-rate/fixed-term positions based on modular strategies.
MethLab DLV primitive enables deterministic lending/borrowing. Users can combine the primitive to create different payoffs like non-liquidatable leverage or options-like structures.
Lenders deploy and supply to their DelegatedLenderVaults(DLV) that follows a specific strategy to lend their tokens. Strategy abstracts out the borrow price, duration and the interest rate. More on Strategies.
Borrowers choose a strategy and take a liquidation-free loan for fixed-term/fixed-rate. If the borrower does not repay before the expiry, the lender seizes the borrower's collateral eliminating liquidations.