MethLab V1 has been deprecated. It is still available MethLab_V1 for users to withdraw their liquidity. MethLab DLV Mainnet Beta is now live. Documentation for MethLab DLV will be available soon.
MethLab is a liquidation-free, and oracle-less lending/borrowing protocol that enables fixed-rate/fixed-term positions on Mantle. It is based on an Intent-centric architecture with Immutable and permission-less smart contracts.
Users will be able to traverse through: mETH Lab and MNT Station to leverage on $mETH, $MNT, $USDT and $USDY. MethLab mainnet is live.
MethLab is a base primitive that enables lending/borrowing. Users can also open non-liquidatable leverage positions to go leverage long/short by looping. Lenders and borrowers submit their intents that are matched competitively.
MethLab employs a novel concept, Reserve Price <> Interest Rate Invariant, for lenders to compete on collateral valuation. Reserve Price Lending mechanism internalises price discovery within the protocol. Lenders choose a loan duration and an interest rate.
Lenders determine the reserve price to offer and the bucket. Buckets are akin to option expiries that are arbitrary duration apart and at set interest rates (Understand Bucketing). The buckets, segregated based on term and interest rate, allow for higher competition and liquidity in the protocol.
Borrowers browse through the intents and take a liquidation-free loan for fixed-term/fixed-rate. A borrower automatically gets matched to the lenders offering the highest reserve price first(akin to highest Loan-to-value intents).
If the borrower does not repay before the expiry, the lender can claim the borrower's collateral eliminating liquidations. Borrowers benefit from non-liquidatable leverage positions.
Users can traverse through the 3D world to reach the supply/borrow zones. Users can also open non-liquidatable leverage positions on any asset in respective playgrounds to go leverage long/short. Each playground targets specific strategies and communities.
mETH Lab is home to liquid staked Ether on Mantle powered by their Liquid Staking Protocol (Mantle LSP). mETH Lab users can lend/borrow/leverage on $mETH, $USDT and $USDY. Learn more about Mantle LSP.
MNT Station is portal to Mantle L2's native asset MNT. Mantle is a technology stack to scale Ethereum. MNT Station users can lend/borrow/leverage on $MNT, $USDT, and $USDY. Learn more about Mantle.